Monday, 30 June 2014

The Garden

Well I feel a lot more positive since I last posted.  The garden is looking like a garden centre with all the seeds that my little boy and I planted coming up in their tubs.  We'll have radishes, tomatoes, chillies, rocket, and peas hopefully. (It's the first time I've planted my own food.)

We used worn tyres from freecycle to plant in and so far they're working out well, they're the right depth for potatoes (3 stacked up) and best of all, they were free.   There's something about the green in the garden that makes me feel much more positive and I like seeing the outcome of what we've done together.  On the other hand it's really disappointing when you see something eaten by slugs that you've put effort into growing.

I'm really looking forward to sampling the results of our work later on in the year.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

An introduction

I decided to start this blog to write down my thoughts and feelings about my life with a long term illness.  Hopefully it'll build into other things as well but I need to rant...

Right now I have been suffering with a condition similar to ME and fibromyalgia for nearly two years, this kicked in after I gave birth to my lovely little boy.  I suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog etc and I'm getting pretty pigged off with it to tell you the truth.  I am so far undiagnosed, but hopefully this will change soon.

At the moment I feel  like I'm in a downward spiral.  I've been fighting this illness but today I feel as if life's crashing down on me.  I'm struggling to work... I tried going in this morning only to fall over and break down in tears.  It's been recommended that I have a few months off to concentrate on my health.

I'm really into trying to live a more natural, sustainable life.  I enjoy gardening (when I can) cloth nappying and CSP. I love music and making things  as well.  I'm usually very positive and happy-go-lucky :)  My posts will be on a variety of different subjects when I'm feeling up to it.